Life treats me well.
I know how to knit, sew, crochet, cross-stitch, and quilt - and I LOVE it all!
All I need is to share my craftastic moments with you, so please join me in the adventures of my busy hands...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Six months of silence and creative work

My original intention with this blog was to keep myself and others updated on my project progress - or lack hereof - but time has flewn by and I seem to have forgotten all about updating. NOT about crafting, mind you - I knit, sew, or crochet every single day, some days more than others.

Right now, these two are keeping me busy :-) :

I've realized that I use my hands to work frustrations out of my system. It seems that the more more angry and upset I am, the more energy and enthusiasm I put into my projects - and the more beautiful they turn out!
Hrmm, is this perhaps something that I could work more consciously on...?
Settling into a daily by-weekly routine with my daughters and trying very hard to maintain a crumbling relationship with my ex-husband has taken an immense toll on my strength, energy, and patience. Some days in my weeks without children have consisted of little more than sleeping, eating, reading, and crafting. Some. However, since realizing the positive side effects of being productive and creative, I've managed to convince myself of the pure goodness of crafting, making my poor conscience about it disappear altogether. I mean, I may seclude myself from the world for a while, but I do feel much better and more accomplished after having knitted for an hour or two; after binding the last corner of that quilt; after seeing my baby niece wear that hat I crocheted for her, and so on.

I've added a few of my "anti-frustration-projects" on the 2012 list, and I'll be looking forward to actually UPDATE every once in a while...! ;-)

BTW...when is the next IHSW..??

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